Lord Vishwakarma was one of the fourteen precious things which emerged from the Samundra Manthan. Lord Vishwakarma is worshipped by all professionals, He is the presiding deity of all craftsmen and architects, it is customary for craftsmen to worship their tools in His name. As per ancient texts, He created the Heavens in the Satya Yuga Lanka in the Treta Yuga Dwarka in Dwapar Yuga and Hastinapur and Indraprastha in the Kali Yuga and was also the creator of the Pushpak Vimaan (flying Chariots) of various Deities and of Demon King Ravana.

Lord Vishwakarma is the divine creator throughout various Yugas. The name Vishwakarma means 'all doer' or 'maker of all'.

Lord Vishwakarma is invoked and worshipped in Vishwakarma Puja for blessings of success in profession/projects, overcoming hurdles in career path, removal of Vastu Doshas, fulfilling wishes of owning house and immovable assets, smooth functioning of machines, safety in factories/mills/ workshops. Lord Vishwakarma is also worshipped by people who work with any kind of machines and tools. He is worshipped reverently by architects, engineers, mechanics, sculptors, craftsmen, industrialists, manufacturer, builders, factory owners for success and prosperity in their ventures.