Regional component officers can provide details on component shop steward training. Check with the PSAC regional offices and on their webpages for information about courses on grievance handling and about advanced training for shop stewards. However, the tool kit does not replace the various types of shop steward training available through the PSAC education program and delivered by some Components. The vast amount of information in this tool kit provides a solid foundation for your work. The Public Service Alliance of Canada Shop Steward Tool Kit is designed to assist you in your role as a shop steward for your local/branch. Creating a union presence and promoting the union in the workplace.Liaising with the chief shop steward, local/branch executive and shop stewards’ network on workplace issues.Representing members during complaints and grievances.Mobilizing members to support union bargaining and other initiatives.Providing information and education to members.Interacting with members and being their ally.Whether you are elected or appointed, your role carries many responsibilities, including the following: Shop stewards are an important part of how any union functions. As a shop steward, you are the face of PSAC in the workplace. Union of Postal Communications Employees.Union of Canadian Transportation Employees.