Rambo might not be the sequel were looking for in this series, but for it not a bad entry. Hopefully Stallone final Rambo entry, if it ever enter production, goes back to the basic when Rambo was simply a man and not a ruthless killing machine for an appropriate finish to his violent character. I read somewhere that Stallone is planning one last Rambo entry set in Mexico or Vietnam and it'll most likely be called, John Rambo. The supporting cast is actually good, but there are not memorable by any means. Though in his defense I think I be pretty pissed if people wanted me to make more Rambo sequels. Stallone acting is pretty boring to watch, he barely changes his facial expression to anything other than pissed off. This entry is the most violent yet and contains more gore than possibly any horror movie ever made. I praise it for accurately depicting the violence in Burma, but honestly there's some that won't be able to stomach people getting blown up, kids being killed, limbs flying off, and there's even an moment where a soldier burns a baby. While I might like the violence in this movie I do think they went overboard with it. To this movie credit it does give you a good reason to cheer on Rambo to kill his enemies. Now clearly Stallone plays on his characteristics which is why we get less of his dramatic acting and more off Rambo being angry all the time. As for Rambo, he's still in Asia for some reason and maintains his pissed off look throughout the entire movie. I really didn't care to much for the mercenaries that helped Rambo and you know you got some bad writing when you want the good guys to die.

This action movie hands down has the most cast of unlikable heroes. The plot is pretty straight forward and finally the film length doesn't extend it limited material like the previous sequels.

Rambo (this series needs better titles) is about John Rambo rescuing a group of Christian aid workers in war-torn Burma.

This is by no means a great movie nor a worthy sequel to First Blood, but it's a slight improvement to the previous sequels. Well to this entry credit it has the only poster where there's no explosion behind Rambo and continues the series inconsistency in the titles.